Nina and Randa Nelson know what it’s like to go through life dealing with severe acne. The identical twins from California developed a major outbreak when they turned 20. As you can imagine, they turned everywhere for a solution, but nothing worked. Then, they decided to do something radical, like change their diet, and suddenly, everything became quite clear… and that includes their acne!
They Didn’t Know What To Do

California natives Nina and Randa Nelson were stumped. They grew up on a clean vegan diet. But in 2014, they suffered a severe breakout on their faces, and they had no idea how to fix it. This condition didn’t just affect their skin. It affected other aspects of their lives as well, and as you can imagine, their self-esteem took a dive.
They Were In The Public Eye

Nina and Randa are both actresses and singers, which means they’re in the public eye a lot. But their acne was putting their careers in jeopardy. It was also having a terrible effect on their emotional well-being. They got so depressed that they didn’t even leave the house for an entire month. They were even afraid that this condition would be permanent. Clearly, something had to give.
They Tried Everything

The twins had tried different medications to put an end to their acne nightmare. They even resorted to facials, antibiotics and different diets, but nothing seemed to work. The remedies they took would only help them for a month or so, and then the acne would return.
The Side Effects Were Terrible

Dermatologists suggested they try a derivative of vitamin A called Accutane, which was used to treat severe acne. But one of the twins’ friends had suffered terrible side effects like depression, pain and hair loss after taking Accutane, so the sisters considered other options and fortunatedly for them, it paid off.
The Miracle Diet

Nina and Randa went on Dr. John McDougall’s website, which had a diet that’s been known to help people fight all sorts of issues like diabetes and heart disease. The diet had even helped their mom out once. But as they did some more online research, they learned that the tiniest amount of fats and soy can cause a severe acne outbreak if you’re ultra sensitive to these food items.
Goodbye, Vegan Products

The girls discovered that they had to cut down on oils, fats, and soy, which meant that a lot of the vegan products the girls were eating like hummus, peanut butter, avocados, nuts, and soy milk were no longer an option. So. the sisters followed the diet plan, and it worked better than they could have ever hoped for.
Before And After

Nina and Randa had just about given up hope for a while. But as you can see in the before and after pics, their skins cleared right up. The photos were taken 5 weeks apart. But within 3 days of changing their diet, they noticed they weren’t having any more breakouts.
A Matter Of Healing

Once the breakouts stopped, the twins had to give the scars on their skin enough time to heal. But the sisters were elated. For the first time ever, something had finally worked. But they knew the acne outbreak could resurface.
Healing Required Discipline

To make sure that they never had another acne outbreak, Nina and Randa had to stick to their diet, and that meant, no cheating. So, if you suffer from the same issues they once had, then you should follow their example and do a little digging around to see if this diet would work for you.
Healing Isn’t Always About Medicine

To help others in the fight against acne, Nina and Randa wrote a booked called “The Clear Skin Diet”. The sisters also share vegan recipes that are super healthy and tasty on their video blog. But their message is clear, much like their gorgeous clear skin. You won’t always find the solution to your health problems from a prescription. Sometimes, the cure can be as simple as changing your diet.
I am Camila – Serial tea drinker. Professional wig snatcher. Content creator and video script writer who may or may not be John Leguizamo’s body double. If you don’t like where you are, move. You’re not a tree.